Remote Control Mop


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Remote Control MopIf you want to teach your little one how to clean then this remote control mop is a good start. This mop is very encouraging for your kids to help you to clean because it is not that much different from a toy race car with a remote controller other than the shape.

Sometimes, my little one helps me to clean with a broom when he sees me doing it. If I owned this cleaning mop, he might do it more often without me even asking him. We all know kids are messy and cleaning is the hardest part of raising them. Wouldn’t you get them anything to encourage them to clean after themselves? For me I most certainly would. Not to mention this mop is fun to use for cleaning.

As you can see from the above picture, this mop has a handler that can be used without the controller if you decided not to or you don’t have any batteries at the moment. The batteries are not included with the purchase. You need to buy them separately.

For it to be mobile on its own the mop head needs 4 double A batteries and for the controller it needs 2 double A batteries and that’s a total of 6 batteries. As you know some of the toys use that amount of batteries to operate, so six is not that big of a deal.

This mop is designed for small cleaning areas like spills and is not meant to be used for big cleaning jobs. I think it is more like a toy for the kids to clean after themselves.

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Mop Video

You can watch the mop in action, but the language is in Japanese. It is still nice to see it live even though we don’t understand it. If you are interested in the RC Gomiba GO with model number 55021 in the video, you can find out more by clicking here. For the control mop click the above check price button.